Redressal /Grievance Committee


Constitution                                                                                                                                           Meetings


Sr. No. Name Description Designation Contact Number
1. Dr. Anand P. Gadad Head of Institution Principal 9743662676
2. Ms. Naziya R. Patel Representative of Faculty Chairman 7972882952
3. Dr.Shubhangi B.Sutar Representative of Faculty Member 7276114156
4. Mr.Vipul M. Patil Representative of Faculty Member 9762314337
5. Ms. Shivani C. Kavane Representative of Faculty Member 9527370104
6. Mr. Prashant B. Patil Representative of Non-Teaching Faculty Member 8888863206
7. Representative of PG Student - Member -
8. Representative of UG Student - Member -
9. Representative of Diploma Student - Member -