

A college is said to prosper when the faculty and students produce results that are visible and about which the fraternity can be proud of. The milieu in the college is such that it encourages teachers to not only teach but also participate in activities that are enriching not only for themselves but also the students. The details provided below take you to the stellar performances of teachers and students over the last few years

Academic Year : 2023-24

Institutional Achievement:
AMCP has successfully completed the NAAC accreditation proces & secured CGPA of 3.18 with 'A' Grade

Faculty Achievements:

1. Dr. S. V. Patil, Dr. B. V. Udugade, Dr. S. C. Burli, Dr. S. B. Sutar, Dr. S. S. Mali, Mr. V. M. Patil, Mr. P. S. Kumbhar, Ms. P. N. Chougule: Published and Granted Indian, Australian and German Patents.
2. Dr.S.V.Patil received Seminar Grant(80000/-) from Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi for organizing Two Days National Level Seminar on Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Product Development on Friday,        14/07/2023 and Saturday, 15/07/2023.
3. Dr.S.A.BandgarreceivedResearchGrantofRs.2,91,000/-fromShivajiUniversity,Kolhapur.
4. Dr.B.V.Udugade,Dr.S.B.Sutar,Mrs.P.N.Chougulepublished Books.
5. Dr.S.B.SutarreceivedletterofRecognitionasPhDGuidefromShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.
6. Dr.S.V.Patil,Dr.S.B.SutarpublishedBook Chapter.
7. Dr. S. V. Patil, Dr. S. A. Bandgar worked as Evaluator for Poster Presentation Competition organized by Annasaheb Dange College of Pharmacy Ashta during Two Days National Level Conference on Recent Advances in Drug Design.
8. Dr. S. A. Bandgar worked as Evaluator for Sangli District Level Avishkar Research Convention 2023-2024 organized by Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta.
9. Dr. S. C. Burli worked as Resource Person in Shivaji University sponsored Teachers Training Workshop in the subject of Pharmacovigilance on Friday, 20thOctober 2023.
10. Dr. B. V. Udugade, Dr. S. B. Sutar, Mr. P. S. Kumbhar selected as Nominee of CCSEA of Government of India, Ministry of Fisheries, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying,New Delhi.
11. Dr.S.B.Sutar received Seminar Grant (25000/-) from Shivaji University forconduction of Two DaysNationalLevelSeminarOn‘3DPrintinginPharmaceuticals:UnlockingFuturePossibilities’ on Friday, 29/12/2023 To Saturday, 30/12/2023.
12. Dr.S.B.Sutar,Ms.P.N.Chougule,Ms.A.P.BhosalereceivedKapillaAICTEscheme Grant.
13. Dr. S. A. Bandgar worked as Evaluator for Institute Level Avishkar Research Competition Poster Presentation event at Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Pharmacy, Mahagaon held on Tuesday 17/10/2023.
14. Dr. S. B. Sutar worked as Evaluator for Institute Level Avishkar Research Competition Poster Presentation event at Sarojini College of Pharmacy, Kolhapur held on Tuesday 17/10/2023.
15. Ms. S. S. Suryawanshi, Ms. P. P. Patil secured Runner up Prize in Poster presentation competition under Teacher category in Two Days National Level Seminar on 3D Printing in Pharmaceuticals: Unlocking future Possibilities organized by   AMCP, Peth Vadgaon.
16. Ms. S. S. Suryawanshi, Ms. A. P. Bhosale secured prizes in Fireless Cooking competition organized by AMG, Vathar Tarf Vadgaon.

1. Patil Prajakta Ramdas stood 5th Rank in Merit List of B. Pharmacy Examination March 2023 held in July 2023 conducted by Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
2. Mr. Shiom Mane published Indian Patent entitled Automated Medicine Dispensing Machine with QR Code enabled Medication Counselling.
3. Mr. Shiom Mane (Final Year B. Pharm AMCP, Peth Vadgaon) received First Prize in University Level Avishkar Research Convention 2023-2024 (Project Guide: Dr. B. V. Udugade and Mr. P. S. Kumbhar)
4. Ms. Ankita Patil (Second Year M. Pharm AMCP, Peth Vadgaon) received Third Prize in University Level Avishkar Research Convention 2023-2024 (Project Guide: Dr. S. B. Sutar).
5. Mr. Shiom Mane (Final Year B. Pharm AMCP, Peth Vadgaon) received First Prize in Model Presentation Competition (Scientia 2024) organized by Arvind Gavali College of Pharmacy, Satara.
6. Mr. Omkar Khot (Second Year D. Pharm AMCP, Peth Vadgaon) secured Runner Up in SKS Sports Swimming Championship at Tatyasaheb Kore College of Pharmacy, Warananagar.
7. Mr. Yash Kite, Mr. Shubham Patil, Mr. Ashish Shelar won Winner Prize in SGU Vibrant 2023 Model Presentation competition.

Academic Year : 2022-23

Institute : 

The Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) oversees the operations of the Animal Housing Facility on campus of AMCP.

 Faculty :      

  1. Dr. P. S. Sankpal awarded Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy by Shivaji University Kolhapur.
  2.  Mrs. P. N. Chougule, Dr. S. A. Bandgar and Mrs. P. P. Patil received award of Best Faculty of the Year (2021-2022) from Vmedulife Pvt. Ltd. Pune in the month of November 2022.
  3. Dr. S. V. Patil, Dr. S. A. Bandgar, Dr. S. B. Sutar, Dr. P. S. Sankpal, Mr. V. M. Patil, Ms. P. P. Patil, Ms. S. S. Suryawanshi, Ms. P.N. Chougule, Ms. A. V. Deshmukh, Ms. A. P. Bhosale: Published and Granted Indian. Australian and Geman Patents.
  4. Dr. P. S. Patil, Dr. S. B. Sutar, Mr. V. M. Patil received Research Grant from Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  5.  Dr. S. V. Patil, Dr. S. A. Bandgar, Dr. S. B. Sutar, Ms. P. NChougule, Ms. S. N. Korpale, Ms. S. J. Kamble, Ms. A. P. Bhosale attended and presented poster in 72nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at RashtrasantTukadojiMaharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur on 20th-22nd January 2023.
  6. Dr. S. V. Patil, Dr. S. A. Bandgar, Dr. S. B. Sutar received Travel Grant from Shivaji University, Kolhapur
  7. Dr. S. B. Sutar, Mrs. P. N. Chougule, Mrs. S. N. Korpale published Books.
  8. Dr S. A. Bandgar received Best Researcher Award from VDGood Professional Association in International Research Awards on Science, Technology and Management on 31st January 2023.
  9. Mr. R. B. Ghotane received Third Prize at University LevelAvishkar Research Convention 2022-2023 in Teacher Category under Agricultural and Animal Husbandry discipline on 07/1202022.
  10. Dr. P. S. Sankpal, Mrs. P. N. Chougule, Ms. A. P. Bhosalepublished Book Chapters.

Students :         

  1. Mr. Shivtej Patil, Mr. Ganesh Nagargoje, Ms. Pratiksha Patil and Ms. Samruddhi Jadhav received Research Grant of Rs. 10,000/-as Research Sensitization Scheme under Lead College Scheme of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. (Co-ordinator: Mrs. P. N. Chougule)
  2. Students participated and received prizes in Pharma Zest competition.
  3.  Received Runner-up prize e in Lead College Vollyball Tournament organized by Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon on 01/03/2023.
  4.  Mr. Swarup Patil attended and presented poster in 72nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur on 20th-22nd January 2023.
  5. Mr. Harshavardhan Kamble selected in State Level Soft Tennis Competition.
  6. Ms. Sayali Jawahire, Ms. Ankita Patil, Ms. Samruddhi Jadhav, Ms. Nilam Chile, Ms. Shailaja Musale, Mr. Shritej Patil, Mr. Shrishail Gobbur, Ms. Rohini Kakade, Ms. Rachana Mane, Ms. Dhanashri Masal, Ms. Priti Khnadagale, Mr. Prasard Menkudale, Mr. Aniket Shingate, Mr. Sourabh Patil, Ms. Sharayu Vadingekar, Ms. Akanksha Vibhute, Mr. Rahul Valshetti, Ms. Apurva Patil, Ms. Akshada Patil, Mr. Pratahamesh Patil, Ms. Ankita Tahsildar, Ms. Pallavi Palave, Mr. Dilkhush Banjara published Indian Patent

Academic Year : 2021-22

         Institute :

        1.Our Training and Placement Cell has received MoU (Collaboration) with 1. Rubicon Skill Development Pvt .Ltd ,Pune 2.Vmedulife Pvt . Ltd ,Wakad ,Pune 3. Kolhapur Cancer Center ,Kolhapur 4. Testbook EDU Solutions Pvt .Ltd , 5. Ashokrao Mane Hospital And Research Center ,Vathar Turf Vadgaon . This tie-up will facilitate M. Pharma students for their dissertation work in this leading pharmaceutical formulation R&D

           Faculty :

            1.  Dr. S.A.Bandgar judged Showcase Poster Presentation competition on the day of Pharma Summit 2022 organized by Lotus Business School, Pune.

          2. Dr.S.A.Bandgarjury for National Level Video making Competition organised by Jaywant Institute of Pharmacy WatharKarad

          3. Dr. S.B.Sutar(Distinguished Faculty Award)Dr.P.S.Sankpal (AMG Women Scientist Award) Mrs.P.P.Patil (AMG Women Leadership) andMrs.S.S.Suryawanshi  ( Inspiring Young Women) award received by AMG, Wathar

         4. Dr.P.S.Sankpal(First Rank) in oral presentation,Mrs.P.P.Suryawanshi (First Rank) in oral presentation,  Miss. S.S.SuryawanshiSecond Rank in oral presentation in 3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Emerging                          Trends in Humanities, Commerce, Management, Science and Technology organized by RayatShikshanSanstha's, Balwant College Vita

         5. Mrs. P.P.Patil,Mr.V.M.Patil ,Dr.Mrs. P.S.Sankpalsecured prizes in University Level Avishkar Research Convention held at Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 18th February 2022.

         6. Dr.Mrs.P.S.Sankpalawarded Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy by Shivaji University, Kolhapur                

            7. Books published : total = 3

Dr.Mrs.P.S. Sankpal / Dr.Mrs .S.B.Sutar = 01

Mrs. P.N.Chougule                                      = 02

Publications : total =4

Dr. Mrs.P.S.Sankpal                                     =03

Dr.Mrs. S.B.Sutar                                         = 01

Publication : total= 6

Mr.V.M.Patil                                                 = 03

Mrs.V.R.Dhole                                              =03


         Student : 

                 1. Mr. AkashDesai ,SanjanaJadhav , PratikshaJadhav and AnkitaPatilreceived Research Grant of Rs. 10,000/- as Research Sensitization Scheme under Lead College Scheme of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. (Co-ordinator: Mrs. P. S. Sankpal)

                  2. Ms. SharayuNagare, Ms. PriyankaBhagwatsecured prize in University Level Avishkar Research Convention held at Shivaji University, Kolhapur and Ms. ManasiPawarsecured prize in District Level Avishkar Research Convention.

                  3. Ankita .S.Patil ,SayaliJawahiresecured 2nd rank in Business Planning Competition (Business Funda) in “A National Conference in future of Pharmaceutical Industry.”

                 4. Sneha S. Deshmukh , Shubhangi B. Sutar , Sharyu B. Nagare , Sachinkumar V. Patilpublished Research Paper in Journal of Bio.Innovation on First line agents of anti-epileptic drugs and it's impurities

                 5.Mr. Kishorkhotawarded Second Rank in Taekwondo (80 to 87kg) under Zonal Sports held at Shivaji University, Kolhapur


Academic Year : 2020-21

  1. Institute :

              Our Training and Placement Cell has received MoU (Collaboration) with :

               1. Rubicon Skill Development Pvt .Ltd ,Pune

               2.Vmedulife Pvt . Ltd ,Wakad ,Pune

               3. Kolhapur Cancer Center ,Kolhapur

               4. Testbook EDU Solutions Pvt .Ltd ,

               5. Ashokrao Mane Hospital And Research Center ,Vathar Turf Vadgaon .

              This tie-up will facilitate M. Pharma students for their dissertation work in this leading pharmaceutical formulation R&D.

         2. Faculty :

               1.   Dr. S.A.Bandgar , Dr. S.B.Sutar (First Candidate of AMCP PhD Research Center) and Dr. P.S.Patil awarded Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy by Shivaji University Kolhapur.

             2. Mrs. P.N.Chougule ,Dr.S.A. Bandgar and  Mrs. P.P.Patil received award of Best Faculty of the year (2020-2021) from Vmedulife Pvt. Ltd. Pune in the month of August 2021.

             3.     Dr.S.V.Patil And Dr. S.A.Bandgar: Published and Granted Indian and Australian Patents.

              4.    Prof .S.A.Bandgar&  Dr. S.V. Patil published Book Chapter entitled Nanostrures of  AnimicrobialTheropy in Nanoscale Process Micro and Nano Technologies Series published by Elsevier.]

Academic Year : 2019-20

  • Nine students has qualified GPAT exam 2020
  • NSS camp 2019-2020 was conducted from 3rd December to 9th December 2019 at Nilewadi Tal- Hatkanangale where various activities such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Abhiyan, Awareness Lectures, Health Check up etc. was organized.
  • Industrial Visit of B. Pharm students was arranged to Piramal Enterprises Limited Mahad on 18th to 19th January 2020.
  • Two Faculty members secured prize in Avishkar Research Convention held at Shivaji University Kolhapur
    • Mr. Sandip A. Bandgar Secured First Prize in Medicine and Pharmacy category at Teacher Level and selected for Inter Universities Research Convention held at Mumbai University Mumbai.
    • Mrs. S. S. Satpute secured Third Prize in category Medicine and Pharmacy at Research Scholar Level held at Shivaji University Kolhapur
  • College has received Rs. 10,000/- as Research Sensitization Scheme under Lead College Scheme of Shivaji University Kolhapur (Co-ordinator: Dr. S. M. Gejage)
  • 22 Research / Review publications in various National and Internatinal Journals
  • 6 Book Publications
  • 15 presenatations in various National and International conferences

Academic Year 2018-19:

  • Five students has qualified GPAT exam 2019 and Two students qualified NIPER exam.2019.
  • NSS camp 2018-19 was conducted from 04/02/2019 to10/02/2019 at Talsande Tal- Hatkanangale. And also organized ‘Beti Bachao Abhiyaan’
  • 20 Publications in various National and International Journals, 1 book in national publication and 12 presentations in various conferences.
  • Industrial visit of B.Pharm students was arranged to Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, Goa on 02nd February 2019.
  • College has organized one day Teachers Training Program on Edification in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-II Sponsored by Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 21st August 2018
  • College has organized one day Teachers Training Program on Pedagogy in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-III Sponsored by Shivaji University, Kolhapur 8th August 2018
  • One Day Seminar on Importance of Pharmacovigilance: Its Scope and further Opportunities on Saturday 04/08/2018
  • We have MOU/ tie up with industry S. G. Phytopharma Kolhapur for carrying research work and Patil Pharma, PethVadgaon
  • Mr. S. S. Shelake secured Research Grant as College Teacher of Rs. 10,000/- from Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 29th December 2018
  • Mrs. S. B. Sutar has won first prize in AVISHKAR organized by Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  • Mr. S. A. Bandgar, Mr. V. M. Patil and Mr. R. B. Ghotane secured Travel Grant from Shivaji University, Kolhapur for attending Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Amity University, Noida from 21st December to 23rd December 2018.
  • Ashatai Patil and Priyanka Ingale secured consolation prize in National Level Quiz Competition organized by Krishna Institute of Pharmacy Karad on 21st December 2018.
  • Our Students won First Prize in 5th State Level Volley Cup organized by Shivlingeshwar College of Pharmacy Latur.
  • Our Students won Pharma Karandak (Cultural Event) organized by Kolhapur Zone Pharmacy Colleges under lead college scheme of Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  • Faculty members have attended ‘Faculty Development Workshop on Education in Universal Human Values’ at Bahai Academy, Panchgani on 8th June to 10th June 2019.

Academic Year 2017-18:

  • NSS camp 2017-18 was conducted form 1st -5th March 2018 at Padali,Tal- Hatkanangale
  • 24 Publications in various National and International Journals and 15 presentations in various conferences
  • Industrial tour of B. Pharm students was arranged to Wockhardt Pharmaceutical company, Aurangabad
  • Two days National Level Conference on Recent Trends in Herbal Drug Technology on 16th and 17th February 2018 by our college with near about 600 delegates and about 125 poster presentation
  • For faculty, college has organized one day teachers training program on Modern Pharmaceutics for M. Pharm staff sponsored by Shivaji University on 21st September 2017
  • For faculty college has organized one day teachers training program on Pharmaceutics for B. Pharm staff sponsored by Shivaji University on 26th 尴ember 2017.
  • For girl students, college has organized three days training workshop on ‘Young Women on the Rise’
  • Training and Placement Cell has organized one day work shop on Values and soft skills training by Vicky David from Global Talent Track, Pune.
  • Dr. A.U. Arvindekar won consolation prize in ‘International conference in advances in chemical sciences’ at Shivaji University, Kolhapur from 1st -3rd February 2018.
  • Miss. Namita Narvekar has secured first prize in oral presentation competition under M. Pharm at ABCP, Sangli Under lead college scheme Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  • Miss. Priyanka Sangar and Miss. Anagha Dhage winner of Pharma Quiz Competition.
  • Miss. Ashatai Patil and Miss. Priyanka Ingole secured second prize in oral presentation on career opportunities after pharmacy at Yashoda technical campus, Satara.
  • By maintaining tempo of last few years college annual magazine Kshitij 16-17 has won prize in㨩vaji University Magazine competition

Academic Year 2016-17:

  • Seven students along with two staff has qualified GPAT exam 2017.
  • NSS Camp was conducted from 19th January to 25th January 2017at Top, Tal- Hatkanangale, Dist- Kolhapur
  • 10 Publications in various National and International Journals and 18 presentations in various conferences
  • Industrial tour of B.Pharm students was arranged to Piramal Healthcare, Mahad for two days on 24th December 2016.
  • Industrial tour of M.Pharm was arranged to Om Sai Clinical Research Organization Pvt. Ltd. Sangli for one day on 19th January 2017
  • For Faculty, College has organized 5 Days Vocabulary Vitamins Faculty Development Program of Elixir Spoken English Training Centre from 21st October to 26th October 2016.
  • For Student, College has organized Spoken English Training for Thirdᮤ Final Year⮐harm Students of Elixir Training Centre
  • For Girl Students, College has organized Three Days Training Workshop on ‘Young Women on the Rise’
  • One Day Presentations Skills Program on ‘Corporate Presentations’ by Third and Final Year B.Pharm Students.
  • Organized One Day workshop on Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) act 2013 organized by ICC of Ashokrao Mane College of Pharmacy, Peth-Vadgaon鮠collaboration with Shivaji University, Kolhapur and Maharashtra State Women’s Commission on 27th February 2017.
  • Training and Placement Cell has organized Global Business Foundation Skills Program of Infosys for B. Pharm Student on 07th January 2017
  • Two Faculty members has undergone one day industrial training about Phase I BA/ BE studies at Om Sai Clinical Research Organization Pvt. Ltd. Sangli on 19th January 2017
  • Dr. A. U. Arvindekar as Speaker for the topic - Plant Tissue Culture in the Teachers Workshop of "Pedagogy in Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry" sponsored by Shivaji University Kolhapur on 10th Aug 2016 at Tatyasaheb Kore College of Pharmacy, Warananagar.
  • Dr. S.V. Patil as Judge for Poster Presentation Competition at Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Pharmacy, Mahagaon, Gadhinglaj, Dist. Kolhapur, MS, India on 21st September 2016.
  • Dr. Vishnu Kangralkar as Judge for poster making competition organized by club Esperanza team and MSPC.
  • Mr. Sachin Kumbhoje as delivered talk on various topics like Resume Writing Skills, ‘Impact of Make in India on Indian Economy Entrepreneurship and Skill Development: Opportunities & Challenges’ at various colleges like Centre for Skills & Entrepreneurship Development Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Vijaysinh Yadav College of Arts and Science, Peth Vadgaon and VP Institute of�agement, Sangli.
  • Mr. Atul Kadam as resource person for Patient counselling course organized by Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council at Gadhinglaj on 25th Jan 2017.
  • Miss. Kajal Chougule of M. Pharm has secured Runner Up Prize in Model State Level presentation competition Scientia 2017 at Arvind Gavali College of Pharmacy, Satara.
  • Miss. Manisha Chavan and Miss. Deepali Patil of Final Year B.Pharm Secured Second Prize in Poster Presentation Competition Pharma Talent Hunt at Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Pharmacy Mahagaon.
  • Samriddhi Sawant, Anjali Mohite and Snehal Patil of Final Year B.Pharm Secured Second Prize in National Level Model Presentation at Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon.
  • Prachi Khamkar and Sneha Rochlani Secured Runner Prize in Poster Presentation on Online Pharmacy at Yashoda Technical Campus Satara.
  • Ashatai Patil and Priyanka Ingale secured second prize in oral presentation on career opportunities after pharmacy at Yashoda technical campus Satara.
  • By maintaining tempo of last few years college annual magazine Kshitij 15-16 has won several prizes in㨩vaji University Magazine competition



    • Six 䵤ents Qualified GPAT Exam
    • The NSS Camp was organized at诣hi
    • 05 research papers in variousional and International ﵲnals,02 books 03ࡰers ⥳ented in various conferences year 2014-15
    • Industrial Tour at Pfizer Pvt. Ltd. Goa
    • College has organized one day teachers training program for M. Pharm subject Quality Management and Audit sponsored by Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 12th姵st 2015.
    • This year college has arranged 05 days Faculty development Program by Shreya Consultancy, Kolhapur for all faculty members.
    • The college has arranged 09 days workshop by Seed InfoTech, Pune for final year B.Pharm students on topic Personality development and interview skills.
    • MOU/ tie up with industry S. G. Phytopharma Kolhapur for carrying research work.
    • Dr. S.S Patil has received 50,000/- travel grant form ICMR, New Delhi for attending international conference at Dubai.
    • Received 10,000/- grant from Shivaji University for organizing teachers training programme.
    • Miss. Sneha Rochalani and Miss. Prachi khamkar of T.Y. B. Pharm has won Second prize in poster presentation competition in National level oral and poster presentation at Yeshoda technical campus, Satara.
    • Miss. Ashatai Patil and Miss. Priyanka鮧ale of F.Y. B. Pharm has secured first prize in Oral presentation competition in National level oral and poster presentation at Yeshoda technical campus, Satara.
    • Ms. Vijaya V. Patil (First year B.pharm) & Ms. Vasundhara Patil (Third year B.Pharmacy) has secured winner prize in 100 meter & 200 meter running competition held at R.C.P. Kasegaon lead college activity.
    • Ms. Vijaya V. Patil first year B. Pharmacy has selected in physical education west zone inter university Hokey women championship 2016 held Jabalpur (M.P) .
    • College has successfully Conducted One day Cultural Programme “Pharma Utsav 2016” th Under 'Lead College Scheme' of Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 9 January 2016
    • Received崴er of Appreciation from Prime Minister of India for Celebrating and Active Participation in Make in India Tour.
    • College has organized one day 'Teachers Training Program' for M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) subject Design and Development of Dosage sponsored by Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 12thᵧust 2014
    • College has conducted two days’ workshop on emerging trends in drug discovery and drug design under Lead College scheme of Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 30th31st᮵ary as a part of which Oral and Poster Presentation Competition organized by college鮠which total 107ࡲticipants沯m various college has participated
    • College has received 35,000/- grant from Shivaji University, Kolhapur室er Lead College Scheme for Organizing Two Days Workshop on Emerging Trends in Drug Discovery and Drug Design
    • Mr. S. S.Shinde faculty of our college has received 25,000 rupees grant for minor research projects from Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    • Five Faculty member presented posters atal National Convention of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India at Pune
    • Miss. Deepali Kambale of IIndarm has won Second Prize in Poster Presentation Competition in wokshop on emerging trends in drug discovery and drug design held at AMCP Peth Vadgaon
    • Mr. Nagesh Tipugade of Final Year B.Pharm has won Second Prize in Oral Presentation Competition in wokshop on emerging trends in drug discovery and drug design held at AMCP Peth Vadgaon
    • Miss. Sneha Rochlani of IIndarm has won Second prize in State level Elocution Competition held at Satara College of Pharmacy, Satara.
    • In tempo of last year tradition this year College Annual Magazine Kshitij 2014 has also won Two prizes in Shivaji University Magazine Competition Miss. Minaj Jamadar of Third Year & Miss. Tanjila Bagwan Final Year secure respectively first and second prizes in one act play and story sections.
    • This year already we have conducted campus interview of Vee Technologies, Bangalore, NEON LABORATORIES, MUMBAI, INDEGENE LIFE SCIENCES, BANGALORE , ACTAVIS PHARMA, GOA and some are in pipeline (we are also going to arrange campus interviews of )Watson Pharmaceutical, Blue Cross, Indoco Remedies. In addition to this college has tied up with, Vergo Pharmaceuticals, Goa for industrial training project for post graduate Students.This makes us ‘Institute with Highest Campus Recruitments in a Single Academic Year’ in詶aji University, Kolhapur
    • Eight㴵dents Qualified GPAT Exam
    • Mr.Akash Kamble௦ final year has secured prize鮠body building in 55-60kg competition head at Inchalkaranji
    • The NSS Camp was organized at Kanya Vidyamnadir Talsande
    • 15 research papers in variousional and International ﵲnals, and 16ࡰers ⥳ented in various conferences year 2014-15
    • Industrial Tour at at岵m Institute Pune.
    • Mr. Sachin Patil has awarded Ph.D from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.
    • Six staff members Dr.Sachin Patil, Mr. Atul Kadam, Mr. Sandip Bandgar, Mr. Vipul Patil and Mr.Suhas Awati 壥ived Minor Research Project grant from Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    • Dr.Sachin Patil, Mr.Atul Kadam and Mr. Sandip Bandgar has presented paper at like International Conference on Advanced in Polymeric Materials at MGM University, Kottayam Kerala.
    • Dr. Sachin Patil, Mr. Atul Kadam and Mr. Sandip Bandgar received travel grant of Rupees 10,000 each from Shivaji University, Kolhapur for Attending ICAPM, Kerala.
    • Shivaji University Lead college Kho-Kho (Girls) Winner
    • Under Lead College Scheme of Shivaji University , Kolhapur organized Oral Presentation Competition in which total student has won total 4 prizes
    • Under Lead College Scheme of Shivaji University, Kolhapur organized Street Play Competition on Prevention of female feticide in Peth Vadgaon city.
    • College has also celebrated World Pharmacist day 25th September 2013, at this occasion Elocution competition conducted on a theme safe and rational use of medicine.
    • Inᶩshkar : Intra University Research Project competition Miss Nadini Naik of Final year has won second prize in degree category and Mr. Sandip Bandgar has won Third prize in Teachers Category
    • Industrial Tour at at쵰in Pharmaceuticals, Aurangabad
    • Miss. Nandini Naik has won First prize in poster presentation competition held at Yadav College of Arts, Science and Commerce Peth Vadgaon
    • Miss. Sonali Patil of M.Pharm IInd Year has won consolation prize in Oral Presentation at AICTE sponsored National level seminar advances in Novel Drug Delivery System held at Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy Kasegaon.
    • Mr. Guruprasad Joshi from T.Y. B.Pharm has won Runner up prize in State level Pharma Quiz competition held at Yashoda College of Pharmacy, Satara.
    • Successfully conducted NSS camp at Pargaon.
    • Industrial tour was arranged at Lupin Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd, Aurangabad on 6th -7th February 2014
    • 12 research papers in variousional and International ﵲnals, 4 books and 10ࡰers ⥳ented in various conferences year 2013-14
    • Six Students Qualified GPAT Exam
    • College Annual Magazine Kshitij 2013 has won Three prizes in Shivaji University Magazine Competition﬩>
    • One of the Faculty Member Mr. Sachin Patil presented Paper at International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy at Dubai, UAE.
    • Mr. Sachin Patil has received travel grant of Rupees One lac from ICMR for attending ICDDT at Dubai and Rupees 10,000 from Shivaji University, Kolhapur for attending IPC at Chennai.
    • 10 National and 06 International Publication in year 2012-13
    • Award of consolidated prize to Mr. Lalasaheb Dhakane for model presentation at Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon under ICMR sponsored National Level Seminar.
    • First Prize at State level Model Presentation Competition at Govindrao Nilam College of Pharmacy, Sawarde, Chiplun
    • Runner up Poster presentation competition at Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon.
    • Shivaji University Lead college Kho-Kho (Girls) Winner
    • Award of Best Player to Mr. Abhijeet Nangare, in lead college , Shivaji University, Kolhapur Cricket Tournament at SCOP, Satara.
    • Ph.D. Research Centre approval from Shivaji University, Kolhapur
    • Started M. Pharmacy in Quality Assurance Technique with 18 Intake capacity and Increased Intake of M.Pharm in Pharmaceutics to 24.
    • Successfully conducted NSS camp at Ambap.
    • Industrial Tour at Wallace Pharmaceutical ltd. Goa
    • Last year two students has qualified GPAT exam, One NIPER Entrance and One Manipal Entrance.
    • Organized two days national level symposium on Formulation and standardization of herbal Drugs on 10th and 11th March 2012.
    • Received Grant from AICTE New Delhi for Seminar on Modern Practice of Teaching Learning Process and Pedagogy.
    • Shivaji University Lead college Kho-Kho (Girls) Runner up
    • Cricket 鮮er
    • Volleyball- Winner
    • Kho-kho (Girls& boys)- Winner
    • Table Tennis Runner-up- Sonali Khetmar
    • Fashion show- Winner
    • Group dance- Runner
    • College also has the active participation in NSS activities.
    • College participated in poster presentation organized in Karad, Sonali Khetmar, Sudarshan Patil and Rakesh Jagtap secured prize
    • Cricket-Winner, Kho-Kho (male & female)- Winner
    • Badminton(Girls)- Runner-up
    • Carrom winner- Vinod wadekar and Atul Gaikwad
    • College organized state level poster presentation under the Lead College Scheme, Kolhapur in 2009-10. Dhanashri Gondkar, B.Pharm Final got 2nd consolation prize for poster presentation.
    • Ashwini Shekhar, Sonali Patil, Avinash Mane and Assist professor Vipul M. Patil secured Second Prize for the research paper entitled “Microwave Assisted Synthesis and Pharmacological Screening of Biologically Active Substituted 1, 3, 5-Triazine & Its Derivatives” in the National Seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Systems’, on 10-11th March 2010, organized by Appasaheb Birnale College of Pharmacy, Sangli under the Lead College Scheme, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.